Main Features of Constitution of Bangladesh

  • Written constitution: The Constitution of the People Republic of Bangladesh is written document. It was formally adopted by the Constitution Assembly on specific day 4th November, 1972. It contains 153 articles, 1 preamble and 4 schedules.
  • Regid Constitution: The Constitution of Bangladesh is a rigid. An amendment passed only by votes of two-thirds members in the total members of parliament.
  • Preamble: The Constitution of Bangladesh starts with a preamble which is as the guiding star of the Constitution. This preamble contains the legal as moral basis of the Constitution. It also identifies the objectives of the State.
  • Supremacy of the Constitution: The Constitution supremacy has been ensured in Constitution of Bangladesh. Article 7 provides that, this Constitution is as the solemn expression will of the people, the supreme law of the Republic,and if any other law inconsistence with this Constitution that other law shell, to the extent inconsistency be void.
  • Unicameral Legislature: Artical 65, of the Constitution provides unicameral legislature for Bangladesh. It is the only one house, which known as 'House of the Nation'.
  • Unitary Goverbment System: Article 1, of the Constitution provides the Bangladesh is unitary people's republic. Unitary government means all power centralized under the Constitution.
  • Fundamental Principle of the State: Article 8, of the Constitution provides the four major fundamental principles of the state policy.

(1) Nationalism

(2) Democracy

(3) Socialism

(4) Secularism

  • Fundamental Right: Part 3 of the Constitution provides for 18 fundamental. The enjoyment and enforcement of those rights have been guaranteed in the Constitution. No authority can make any law which is inconsistent with provisions of the fundamental right and if any law made shell be void to the inconsistency.
  • Parliamentary from of Government: The Constitution of Bangladesh provides Westminster type of parliamentary system. This form of government means government is run by Cabinet of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister.
  • Independent of judiciary: The Constitution of Bangladesh (article 22) ensured the independent judiciary. Firstly, provision was made that the Chief Justice would be appointed by the President and other justice of the Supreme Court appointed after consulting with Chief Justice. Secondly, a judge could not be removed from his office expect by an order. President passed to a resolution of Parliament supported by a two-third the parliament. Thirdly, the control including the power of posting, promotion and discipline of person employed in the judicial service vested in the Supreme Curt.
  • Ombudsman: Provision for the establishment of an ombudsman were inserting in Article 77. To provide machinery to overview the activities of civil bureaucuacy, to eradicate corruption in the administretion and ensure the responsibility of the government.
  • Responsible Government was not ensured: The Constitution of Bangladesh ensured a Westminster type of parliamentary government, it could not ensure the conditions of responsible government. It has no any provision for ensuring the individual responsibility of Minister. But, article 55(3) provides that the Cabinet shall be collectively responsible to Parliament.

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